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聯絡地址:Россия, 101000, Москва, Сретенский бульвар, 6/1, строение 1, офис 4
Журнал «Экономические стратегии» включен в Перечень Высшей аттестационной комиссии (ВАК) ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук.
В центре внимания журнала «ЭС» — исследование сценариев будущего и уроков прошлого, стратегия государств и бизнеса, панорама деловой и политической среды, искусство управления, оценки рисков. Кроме того, специальные выпуски журнала посвящены рассмотрению актуальных направлений современной социальной, экономической и духовной жизни, традиционными из которых стали оценочная деятельность, страхование и банковская отрасль, бизнес-образование, телекоммуникации, развитие регионов и другие.
«Economic Strategies» – the journal for those, who take strategic decisions, teach and learn.
The Economic Strategies journal is published 8 times a year since 1999. It’s circulation is close to 20 000 copies.
The Supreme Attestation Commission, Ministry of Education and Science, Government of Russian Federation have acknowledged the academic nature of the journal by including it into the list of leading scientific journals and editions, in which Ph.d and D.Sc nominees should publish main results of their research.
In 2004 Association of Managers of Russia has singled out the journal as the leader among specialized business publications of the country.
In every issue of the journal readers can find new ideas and advices, results of scientific research and practical examples of strategic management. The priority for editorial staff – search for tendencies, that would determine practice. Almost all articles of ES touch upon the global problems of development and could be characterized by clarity of exposition.
Research of the lessons of the past, scenario for the future, strategy and tactics of alliances, economic breakthroughs, panorama of business and political environment, the art of management and estimation of risks – all these problems are considered in The Economic Strategies journal.
The readers of ES are well educated and successful in business – top-management of major companies, politicians, consulting experts, teachers and students of systems of business education.
The journal is disseminated by subscribing, in commercial organizations and representations of foreign companies, in political structures and educational institutes.